Great News!

Big Announcement

We have been in communication with several agencies trying to get harm reduction kits to distribute to those who need them for quite some time. We were initially told that wasn’t an option and if we wanted to get Narcan to give away, that we should drive each day 30 miles in one direction to the Health Dept. in Laurens to get 2 doses everyday. Seriously, that’s what they said. But, today we got an email stating that we are going to become the community distributor for NARCAN! We are also applying for funding via the SC Opioid Recovery Fund to cover the cost of several Opioid Recovery initiatives that we have planned. We are so excited because after months of sitting on our hands waiting we are finally going to be able to offer some real help to the people we have had to see struggling, but we lacked the ability to do anything about it. This organization is all about helping people remove those barriers so they can reach their full potential. Everyone has something amazing inside of them, some gift that they can use to make the world a better place, we just want to help people find it. Thanks to everyone who has stuck by and supported us in any way!

#recovery #detox #soberliving #fentanylkills #opioids #onepillkills #help

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