Update: We Have 7-OH Samples On The Way!

The amazing people at Press’d (itspressd.com) are sending us a very generous package Ten (10) of their Green 1 gram tablet 3-pack. 30 mg/tablet (retail $39.99 each) and Twenty (20) of their Blue 1 gram tablet 3-pack, 18 mg/tablet (retail $29.99 each) for a grand total of nearly $1,000.00 worth of their top quality 7-OH products to help people who come to us for help, get through fentanyl withdrawals. 7-OH, also known as 7-hydroxymitragynine is one of the psychoactive alkaloids found in Kratom, but it is usually only found in trace amounts. 7-OH is a much stronger pain reliver than the more abundant mitragynine. It is a mild opioid and a partial agonist with a high affinity for the mu opioid receptor in the brain. Based on lab results and interviews with people who have taken this product numerous times, we believe this to be a good candidate for an over the counter remedy for opioid withdrawal symptoms, especially when combine with a Traditional Chinese medicine, Yanhusuo, which also has been shown to help alleviate opioid withdrawal symptoms and prevent morphine tolerance. In the very near future we will be offering these both free to any client that wishes to give them a try. Prolonged 7-OH use can result in dependence and withdrawals of its own, but they are much milder than other full agonist opioids like fentanyl. It may not be perfect, but much safer than street drugs. Thank you Pressd! Anyone looking to get some 7-OH of their own can go to their website www.itspressd.com, they have a very friendly staff that will answer any questions you may have and get your order to you fast. If you would like to signup for the 7-OH/Yanhusuo program we will be offering send us an email to fenix@help4heroes.org. Thanks everyone and stay safe.

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