Additional Resources

We understand that you may have needs that we are not equipped beto handle, therefore we scour the internet daily searching out all of the programs and benefits available to Veterans. This resource list will be updated and audited on a regular basis so you can rest assured the information in current and reliable.

Disclaimer: One or more of these offers may contain affiliate links for which I do receive a tiny bit of compensation if someone uses a link I provided. Using these links will not cost you any money; your price will remain the same or reduce, but it will not go up. The compensation received from these affiliate links goes into a Volunteer Appreciation Fund.

Paid Offers– Offers that indicate that they are Paid Offers offer a monetary reward for the completion of that offer. Payment amounts will be notated in the offer. Users will be able to receive payment via PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, Westerm Union, Revolut, Prepaid Mastercard, or bank deposit.

Vehicles For Veterans– provides vehicles for disabled Veterans, Car Donation Foundation d/b/a Vehicles For Veterans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit vehicle donation program dedicated to providing funding that will help to build better lives for all of our nation’s veterans and their families.

American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Program- or click HERE American Legion Offers Financial Assistance to Veterans for rent, bills, etc, they also advocate for Veterans on certain issues.